The Eucharistic Procession

“Go tell the priests that people should come here in procession!” To obey the Virgin Mary, the priests, who have been given the special mission of celebrating the Mass (also called the Eucharist), lead a Eucharistic Procession every day, in addition to the Marian Torchlight Procession.
Like Adoration, the Eucharistic Procession is an encounter with the Lord Jesus present in the consecrated Host, but with a dynamic and communal dimension. All pilgrims are invited to walk with the sick behind the priest who carries the monstrance and, like the sick, to receive the blessing that Jesus gives as he passes among us. “The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love,” said Bernadette. Many miraculous healings have occurred during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Eucharistic procession takes place every day from 25th March to 1st November 5 p.m. It starts from the Podium on the Prairie and ends in the underground basilica of Saint Pius X. (Those who cannot take part in the procession should take their place in the basilica as soon as the celebration begins.)

5.00 pm
It starts from the Podium on the Prairie
Free access

Join in the celebrations

+33 (0)5 62 42 20 08
(Standard rate number)

Accessibility: YES